We are always looking for volunteers to help us out. We have a variety of different ways you could get involved! Volunteering with us helps us further the Park Church Coops mission by strengthening our community. Below is a list of ongoing opportunities available to volunteer at the Park Church Coop. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Emily, our volunteer coordinator.
Farmers Market Sundays: Looking for 1-2 people to accompany Pastor Amy in representing the church on Sundays at the farmers market at the park after service (12pm). Will probably be about 1-2 hours. This consists of handing out postcards/other giveaway items, talking to people about the church, and getting them to sign up for our newsletter.
Church Greeters: Looking for 1-2 people on Sundays before service begins around 10:45 to stand outside the church and greet members as they enter. Doesn't have to be the same people every week; this volunteer position will most likely rotate based on peoples availability.
Coffee Hour Host: We need 1 person per week to arrive at service between 10:30/10:45 and bring half + half and a snack. Coffee hour takes place after service. Basically you hang out with other service members and talk with each other!
Church Merch Table: Looking for 1-2 people to sell our church merchandise at the Adhoc concerts! You'll be setting up the table next to the bar and the other bands merchandise, and selling the merch! This will also consist of informing people about PCC and getting them to sign up for our newsletter.
Library Volunteer
Our library is open on:
Sunday: 12-4
Tuesday: 3-7
Wednesday: 3-6
Thursday: 3-6
We are looking for people who can commit to one day weekly, or floaters. For the time that the library is open, you oversee the library, welcome guests, and inform them about the church.