“All guests who present themselves are to be welcomed as Christ, for he himself will say: ‘I was a stranger and you welcomed me’ (Matt 25:35)” - Saint Benedict
Worship at the Park Church Co-op welcomed community members to explore faith through ritual, prayer, music and reflection. We were an inclusive church, where all were welcome. Yes, no matter who you voted for, no matter whether you were a politician, money lender, janitor, doctor, or even literary critic, all are to be welcomed as Christ.
Our tiny congregation was unusually blessed with two very talented and passionate musicians: our Church Musician Michael, and our Cantor Laura. In addition were several congregation members with lovely voices.
Our music was mostly chosen from ELW, Evangelical Lutheran Worship, “the red book.” It contains a large collection drawn from traditional protestant and Catholic hymns, ancient chants, contemporary hymns, Americana, and folk songs from around the world. From this collection we built a music culture, repeating singable melodies often in order to create familiarity over time, and gently encouraging the usually quiet to raise their voices. All of this was accompanied by Michael’s wonderful yet modest piano playing. Additionally, far too rarely, we’d hear a solo piece from the vocally gifted Laura.
From time to time, we opened the church at or near sunset for Vespers, The elements were simple: mostly darkness, candlelight, incense, a short gospel reading, and sung prayers. Total time was approximately twenty minutes. Singing of the responsorial was optional but encouraged.
Every first Thursday of the month, a talented group of vocalists sang ancient prayers to create a rich ambiance for your prayer and meditation. The church was dark, except for the light of candles flickering at the front. The mood was peaceful while keeping a sense of Divine mystery. It was a wonderful way for you to decompress at the end of the day. This event was open for all. Alas that the beautiful space will never again hear their voices singing so harmoniously!