“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others,
faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.”
A sight you’ll no longer see!
Putting the “park” in “The Park Church Co-Op”
About Us
The Park Church Co-op was a Lutheran ministry focused on radical love of the neighbor through welcome and invitation.
Our Values
The following values were meant to guide our decisions at the Park Church Co-Op:
❥ We believe that creative practices are spiritual practices.
At the PCC, we open our space to artists, musicians, dancers, and creatives of all types.
❥ Space is made sacred by the people gathered.
We were given the gift of a traditional sacred space - a beautiful church. We hope to return that gift by making the space sacred in our own way - filling it with our passions, spiritual journeys, and charity. Come help us!
❥ We build community inside to serve the greater community outside.
We open our doors to our neighbors and strive to serve their practical and spiritual needs. When we serve the community, we serve the spirit.
❥ We thrive on a culture of radical openness.
Outsider art, innovative spiritual practices, and acts of simple charity all have a home here.