Happy Epiphanytide!
We regret to inform the public that they will soon see yet another ugly condo in place of the beautiful church which has stood in this space for over a century. In June of 2022, we closed our doors forever, the predictable fruit of lies, pride, infiltration, and cowardice.
This website will remain live for an unspecified period of time, to tell the story of our church, particularly our successful resurrection six years ago and death spiral beginning four years ago.
Please forgive us, as this process shall take time. However, please read on for a short version:
English Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Messiah was founded in 1899 by Samuel Trexler, a highly industrious and energetic man, as the first fruit of his long and wonderful career.
The building itself, which will soon be lost forever, replaced by a hideous modernist condo designed to repel, was erected beginning in 1907 and has beautifully adorned the west side of McGolrick Park and looked out over stories of human romance, industry, jollity, and humdrum times a thousand thousand.
As with most churches, the congregation continually diminished over the last few decades.
2014: The Slow, Slow Build Begins
2014 saw the arrival of Pastor Kienzle, hired specifically to build up the congregation. (Why this is not always the goal is a mystery.) Coincident with her hiring were the renaming of the church, and the transfer of ownership of the church building from the congregation to the local synod, in exchange for a five year financial commitment to the new mission work.
The name was changed from “English Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Messiah” to “The Park Church Co-op,” but of course “Park Church” sounds infinitely better and will be used throughout this history.
The beginning was rocky and almost disastrous. Pastor Kienzle had inherited a thriving art community which had existed at the church for some time, but there were problems with it.
2016: Practically Perfect in Every Way
Nobody thinks she really deserved it, but Pastor Amy’s ministry came into possession of a series of church builders who arrived one after the other, mysteriously, on umbrellas.
Program Partners
Our mission is to love and serve our neighbors. It is the command Jesus gave to the people of the church. It is the reason we support and partner with individuals and local organizations that bring people together and benefit our community. The Park Church Co-op is a gathering space for those pursuing their passions and using their gifts in service to others. We'd like to introduce you to our partners.
While the Greenpoint library was being renovated, we opened a space in our church as a library annex to help keep library materials in circulation for the community. We continue to host a collection of Adult Fiction/Nonfiction, Children’s Fiction/Nonfiction, YA Fiction, and Foreign Language books.
More information here.
Host an Event With Us
We are committed to our community and are open to groups that want to use our spaces.
We host weddings, birthday parties, memorial services, community meetings, film shoots, concerts, and arts performances.
If you are interested in hosting your event at our space, please go to the Bookings page.